Welcome to 10B...Overview 10B, a group of talented DJs from south London needed to come up with a brand to take over the famous Union Club gigs, as their parties ...
Forno de LenhaPizzaria & Espaço Deck Identity & Design Packaging E-Commerce Website Trendy pizza restaurant with a gastro pub space that hosts national music shows and local artist (live music ...
BacardiDrink of the Night Identity & Design Packaging The brief was to come up with ideas that would make the target audience, 18-24 year old men, want to order the biggest ...
Wafa PereiraSnackinhos Identity & Design Packaging Branding Snackinhos is a London based catering company that specializes in selling mouthwatering Brazilian sweet and savory gourmet appetizers, made from scratch and only ...
Romana PavaneliMakeup Artist Identity & Design Romana Pavaneli is a professional makeup artist based in London. She has been perfecting her technique alongside the best professionals in the world. Romana ...
Pret a Manger UKThe Joy of Pret Identity & Design Today, Pret is one of London's most visible businesses, almost as entrenched in the cityscape as a red letterbox or ...
Penguim Books UKThe Big Sleep Identity & Design Raymond Chandler's The Big Sleep is the definitive hard boiled detective story and Philip Marlowe the perfect expression of the cynical, world-weary ...